11 Medical Questions You Need to Ask

11 Medical Questions You Need to Ask

This post builds off of “How to Shop Around for a Healthcare Provider." So you’ve found a great doctor! But what happens when you have an issue and need to see this awesome doctor? Will you just take his or her recommendations as the absolute truth? Picking a great team of healthcare providers is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to being your own best advocate and getting the highest quality care. 

Self-care: What It Is & Isn't

Self-care: What It Is & Isn't

Self-care. It’s kind of a buzzword now, isn’t it? In our “busy is better” world, we wear stress like a badge of honor. Being stressed means we’re accomplishing something right? I’m not sure when our culture decided that “being busy” was more important than living life. A little bit of stress can be a good thing - put the pressure on and watch me spring into action! I’m always more motivated when a deadline is fast approaching. 

The Women's Health Guide to Travel

The Women's Health Guide to Travel

With the holiday season in full swing, people are not only spending more money than usual but also traveling more! Whether you’re driving, flying, or taking the train to catch up with loved ones, traveling is something most of us dread. We just want to get to the destination we are going to with as little disturbance as possible. While I can’t promise that the child two rows in front of you sleeps through the flight, I can help make this travel season easier on your bladder, bowels, and body!

Why Everyone Needs Stress Relief

Why Everyone Needs Stress Relief

In this wonderful world of instant gratification and being tuned in 24/7/365, who doesn’t need a little stress relief!? It’s kind of a no brainer right? We’re basically all expected to be ultra productive human beings for 8+ hours at work, come home to deliciously organic meals, workout for 60mins a day, keep a clean house, maintain healthy social relationships, have regular sex, and get 8 hours of deep sleep per day.

Does Osteoporosis Matter?

Does Osteoporosis Matter?

Let's play a little game: I say "osteoporosis" and you think of the first thing that comes to mind. Did you picture a sweet, 80 year old grandma sitting in a hospital bed with a broken hip? Maybe! But did you know that over 9.9 million people in the United States have osteoporosis and another 43.1 million have osteopenia? Probably not, I sure didn't until I started researching this post! 

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

This week’s post highlights the most common, although somewhat unknown, women’s health diagnosis. Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects anywhere from 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 women in the United States alone, and many more worldwide. It is an endocrine disorder, meaning it is a problem with hormone regulation.

Is Running Bad for Your Joints?

Is Running Bad for Your Joints?

As the weather gets warmer in New England, tis the season for runners to return to the streets. Last weekend, over 7,000 people ran the Holyoke St. Patrick's Day 10K Road Race! I have to admit that I did not expect to write a post about running, I mean "lift" is in the name of the blog! Running and I have had a more tumultuous relationship than Ryan and Rachel in the Notebook. We love each other, we hurt each other, we stay away for years at a time. But in the end, we get back together and this time it seems, for good.

Menstrual Cup Basics

Menstrual Cup Basics

I’ve had several readers send me articles and/or questions about menstrual cups over the last couple months. I didn’t know too much about them off the top of my head from a research perspective - and prior to about 3 weeks ago I had never used one either. There are tons of Youtube channels and blogs devoted to menstrual cups. But one thing I learned as I worked on this post is that they are mostly anecdotal, meaning a woman tries all different cups and then relays that info. Which is great! But let’s explore some of the science/research behind this new trend in women’s hygiene. 

Endometriosis: What You Need to Know

Endometriosis: What You Need to Know

March is endometriosis awareness month! I have to admit that before I became a pelvic health therapist I didn't know much about this diagnosis. Yet once a month, every month, millions of women are crippled by this disease. The estimates of endometriosis vary widely, anywhere from 10 to 60%. So what is it? 

How to Breathe When Lifting

How to Breathe When Lifting

Whenever we talk about lifting it's usually a question of form, the best exercises to perform, or the best workout program. Most of us skip an essential fundamental which can completely alter our workouts - breathing. If you're reading this, then I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that you're breathing. Congrats! But how are you breathing during your lifts? Do you look like this guy?