Pelvic Floor Course

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Pelvic floor. It’s totally a buzz word right now. And for good reason. Most people still do not understand the impact of the pelvic floor, that they are not alone in their problems, AND that they can get help. That’s what you’re ready to do. Help people suffering with pelvic floor dysfunction to reclaim their lives. There’s just one thing though… where to get started?! 

4 Things I Learned At My First Pelvic Floor Course

4 Things I Learned At My First Pelvic Floor Course

Hey there! I apologize for falling off the grid for a little bit. Life has been pretty exciting and crazy lately. I have accepted a position as a Women's Health Resident in FL and I will be moving in less than 2 months! Over the last few weekends I've traveled down to FL to apartment hunt, taken a pelvic floor course in NJ, and been studying for FL licensure. Good news: I found a cute apartment, got licensed in FL, and LOVED the pelvic floor course!